Dynamic Meta Tags with Cloudflare Workers

This is not a tutorial on how to use Cloudflare Workers or any of its features

At embed.rauf.wtf I allow users to pass in data and get a web embed which uses plain HTML and meta tags.

Dynamically set meta tags sound difficult at first using only plain HTML without a template language/view engine. However, with Cloudflare Workers it is 100% possible and fairly easy to do.

What is Cloudflare Workers?

"Cloudflare Workers is a serverless application platform running on Cloudflare’s global cloud network in over 200 cities around the world, offering both free and paid plans." (https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/get-started/guide)

Dynamic Meta Tags

Workers provides a HTMLRewriter which allows you to pass in a HTML request and modify it.

Content for the meta tags gets passed in through Query Params on the request url and I use the HTMLRewriter to select all the meta tag elements and add the content using a custom MetaHandler class.

class MetaHandler {
  element(element) {
    // Figure out which element it is
    // Find the corresponding query param
    // set the element's content: element.setAttribute('content', param data)

return new HTMLRewriter().on("head > meta", new MetaHandler()).transform(req);

In return it provides back the HTML but with the meta tag content modified to use the content from the request url which then gets send as the response body.

And that is how I use Cloudflare Workers and HTMLRewriter to dynamically set meta tag content for embed.rauf.wtf.
The actual process is a bit more technical but I hope this shows some insight into how the general process works.

Tags: webdev, serverless

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